Stealth Master Cheats: 5 Best Tips for Attacking Enemies & Boss, Android, iOS, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

Stealth Master by SayGames for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

Stealth Master Tip #1: Speed Equipment.
Speed increases your Movement Speed.
The faster you run, the quicker you eliminate enemies that are unaware or even aware.
It is also helpful when you want to runaway/escape quickly from enemies.

Stealth Master Tip #2 Save Money for Range Characters.

Ranged weapons are currently Over Powered in this game.
You don't need to go the enemy at close distance. 
You just need to go nearby (depends on the weapon range) and it will automatically shoot at the enemy at fast rate.

Even in you were caught, most of the range weapons has fast fire rate on which enemies don't have enough time to shoot back at you.
Therefore if you don't have a range character.
Get a Range Equipment as soon as possible.

Stealth Master Tip #3: Don't Prioritize Armor & Health.

Get them if you can freely obtain them  from Watching Ads.
However when Equipment Choice appears, you can only get 2 out of 3 choices.
1 for for the first choice and another 1 from watching an ad.
Avoid these and get better equipment instead.

The best offense is the best defense.
It is because once you have range weapons plus it's upgraded effect like ricochet or  bigger explosions.
It will be easier for you to eliminate enemies thus enemies won't either have chance to attack you.

Stealth Master Tip #4: Alerted Enemies.

If you make noise, Alerted Enemies at first will automatically face at your current location.
They will try to go to the location, fortunately they are predictable and doesn't move their head
(cone sight) as if they are going straight direction.
If they do this, you can attack them at sideways without getting attacked.

You can make noise and let the enemy go near at you and quickly attack them sideways.

Stealth Master Tip #5: Boss Fight.

Boss Fight in this game are fairly easy.
Their Head Movement are predictable because they only move back and forth.
You just need to wait for the right time and go nearby to attack them.
Once they got hit, they will quickly run at the back direction.

You can either wait for him to go to his position and wait for another opportunity
to attack him OR you can also quickly run to the potential position of the boss.

If you go run at his potential position, make sure you are above from him
(Game Vision) or at the back of the Boss Vision.
You can't be attacked at that position.