V4 Cheats: Best Skill Build for Enchantress, Warlord, Slayer, Knight, Gunslinger, Boomblade, Android, iOS, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

V4 by Nexon for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

V4 Nexon Tip #1: Skills.
Skills grant special effects, and are broken into two categories – active skills and passive skills.
Active Skills: Use after equipping to activate special effects.
Passive Skills: Effects are implemented as soon as they're unlocked.

1. Skills Menu
From the Skills menu, you can preview skills and view skill details.
This is also where you can level up and equip skills.
Additional effects can also be unlocked and equipped from the Skills menu, including effects that are unlocked after a skill has been equipped.

1) Skill List
Shows the name, level, type, unlock status, and equip status of your skills.
2) Skill Info
Shows the selected skill's name, level, skill switch, and additional effects settings, as well info on the skill's next level.
3) Enhance
Use skill primers and Gold to enhance skills.
The Enhance button activates once enhancement is available.
4) Equip Settings
Shows equipped skills.
Remove, equip, switch, etc. your skills.
a. Lock Icon
Skills that are currently unavailable show a lock icon. They can be unlocked once the required level is reached.
b. Auto-Activate
You can set skills to auto-activate during auto-battle.
"OFF" appears on the selected skill if auto-activate is deactivated. Skills with auto-activate turned off won't be used during auto-battle.
2. Active Skills
There are equippable, chainable, and unique active skills.

V4 Nexon Tip #2:  Equippable Skills.

Use after equipping to activate special effects.
Enchantress: Acquires Focus when using certain skills.
Warlord: Acquires Vigor when using certain skills.
Slayer: Acquires Stamina when using certain skills.
Knight: Acquires Spirit when using certain skills.
Gunslinger: Acquires Resolve and MP when using certain skills.
Boomblade: Can be activated when using certain skills.

V4 Nexon Tip #3: Chainable Skills.

Skills that can be used based on the equippable skills.
Enchantress: Uses Focus and MP to perform certain skills.
Warlord: Certain skills switch when using Outburst.
Slayer: Uses Stamina and MP and can be activated when using certain skills.
Knight: Certain skills switch when using unique skills.
Boomblade: Can be activated when using certain skills.

V4 Nexon Tip #4:  Unique Skills.

Skills that are unique to each character.
Unleash Flames: Can be activated after casting Chain Magic 5 times
Chain Magic: Can activate chainable skills upon use.
Activates when Vigor is full. Can activate buffs and chainable skills upon use.
Can always be activated upon unlocking skills. Dashes toward enemies upon use.
Activates when Spirit is full. Can activate buffs and chainable skills upon use.
Can always be activated upon unlocking skills. Skill slot set switches upon use.
Activates when Flux is full. Acquires buffs upon use.
3. Passive Skills

V4 Nexon Tip #5: There are two types of passive skills.

1) Stat Skills
Increases specific stats once unlocked.
2) Conditional Skills
Activates when specific conditions are met.
Conditions: dodge, parry, hit, etc.