Goddess MUA Cheats: Gift Code & 6 Quick Tips for Goddess Form, Wings, Android, iOS, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

Goddess MUA by 4399en game for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

Goddess MUA Tip #1: About Goddess Form
1. Goddess acquires new appearance as well as active
and passive skills with evolution
2. To evolve Goddess, the Goddess instance puzzle collection should be completed in advance

Goddess MUA Tip #2: About Goddess Training
1. Activated Goddess can be trained via upgrade and rising grade
2. When certain level is reached, rising grade is required to continue with upgrade
3. You may customize the appearance of your Goddesses without affecting their abilities
4. You need to unlock the Goddesses one by one

Goddess MUA Tip #3: State rules
1. Each state requires a period of time to complete (offline time included)
2. Complete current state and fulfill the ascending requirements to reach the next grade

Goddess MUA Tip #4: Skill rules
1. Each class transfer unlocks a new skill!
2. Skill casting sequence can be freely adjusted, each sequence can provide its unique effect 3. Up to 3 Goddess skills can be applied, this is irrelevant
with the Goddess deployed

Goddess MUA Tip #5: Title rules
1. Apply cool titles to show your achievements and honor 2. Tap on title icon to check how it is obtained
3. Activate the title to apply title attributes, equipping is not required

Goddess MUA Tip #6: Wings feature
1. Wings training improves base character attributes; promote at full star to expand training capacity.
2. When promoted, wings obtain new appearance, and powerful passive attributes are unlocked. 
3. The wings appearance in display can be switched without affecting attribute bonus. 
4. Collect features of all colors to improve Phantom attributes, wings attribute bonus (in percentage) is applied with rising grade.

Gift Code Goddess MUA: mua6666

Other 5 Gift Codes (Video not Mine)