Luna Fantasy Cheats: 5 Best Tips for Strengthen, Improve, Strategy Guide and Tricks.

Luna Fantasy Tip #1: Ascending Star.
Ascending equipment can increase the basic attributes and additional attributes, and gain additional attributes.
Extra attributes bonus can be gained when whole equipment parts ascending stars at a fixed stage.

Every ascending do have a certain rate of failure, and every failure will increase the success rate of the next ascending star.

Changes equipment, the ascending star will inherit automatically.

Luna Fantasy Tip #2: Refine.
Refine equipment can increase the attribute. All parts of the equipment can get a full refine level attribute reward at every refine stage.

There is a certain chance of failure in every refine process, and player can use Luk inscription to improve the success rate of refine.
After changing the equipment, the refined attribute will inherit automatically.

Luna Fantasy Tip #3: Purification.
Purify equipment to enhance the additional attributes of equipment.
Only one attributes of the equipment can be selected for purifying at each time.

Each time the value of the attribute is random, the original attribute value will change only when the new attribute value is higher than the original one.

After changing the equipment, the original equipment can be disbanded and return some of the used purification stone.

Luna Fantasy Tip #4: Inlay.
Equipment can be inlaid with the pattern for additional attribute. The pattern is divided into three colors: red, green and blue and can only be inlaid in the corresponding color groove.

Each equipment has 5 pattern grooves at most. The higher equipment level, the more groove pattern can be upgraded. The higher the level, the higher attribute.

After changing the equipment, the original equipment pattern will automatically take over the new equipment.

Luna Fantasy Tip #5: Enchantment.
Enchantment is divided into attribute enchantment and Spec enchant, and enchantment can increase attribute.

Enchant can increase the enchant accuracy each time, and the number of attribute entries of spec enchantment requires a certain enchant precision to unlock.

When spec enchantment gets the attribute value randomly each time, only when the new attribute is higher than the original attribute value will change.

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