Grand Alliance Cheats: 9 Best Tips for Battles, Banners, Android, iOS Strategy Guide and Tricks

Grand Alliance by Crunchyroll Games, LLC for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

Grand Alliance Tip #1: Picking the Right Team Comp.
There are four hero class types in the game, each with their own unique role and equippable skills.
Warrior - Armored melee class capable of tanking and crowd control.
Skirmisher - Mixed melee/ranged class capable of delivering high DPS and buff skills.
Mage - Ranged support class with large Area of Effect skills and defensive buffs.
Gunner - Ranged damage class capable of highly focused damage.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Heroes, skills and enemies possess element types. Each element has an advantage and weakness against
different types of elements

Grand Alliance Tip #2: Element Types.

Fire: 50% Bonus damage and resistance against Earth element targets.
Water: 50% Bonus damage and resistance against Fire element targets
Earth: 50% Bonus damage and resistance against Water element targets
Light: 50% Bonus damage against Dark element targets
Dark: 50% Bonus damage against Light element targets

Grand Alliance Tip #3: Teams of Three.

Your selected squad will compose of up to three heroes that you can bring into battle. Having multiple squads will allow you to save different subsets of heroes, in case you want to change your team composition quickly. In addition to hero saving, it will also save the skills you select for each hero. Every hero can have up to two customizable skills equipped for combat.

Grand Alliance Tip #4: Leader Selection.

The hero selected in the first slot will be leading the charge in battle. They tend to draw the most damage, so you may want to select a bulkier unit to take that position. If you want to shift the lead position during combat, you can press the small arrow icon next to their portraits to do an immediate leader swap.

Grand Alliance Tip #5: Improving Your Skills.

Mana capacitors can be acquired from the shop and chests in-game. These devices can be used to unlock new skills that are equippable to heroes based on their class.
Skills can be upgraded by acquiring duplicate copies. Each time a skill is upgraded (costs Gold), the
requirement towards the next upgrade increases.

Grand Alliance Tip #6: Test your luck!

There are various summon banners available for you to roll. Each banner contains different rates and Item types. Some rotating banners will arrive during events. Those tend to have boosted drop rates, so keep an eye out for those. The Standard and Premium Summon will always be available for you!

Standard Summon: Roll for skills and resources! Every day you can also earn up to 3 FREE rolls of this banner by watching ads. Every time you watch an ad, there is an 8 hour cooldown before you can view another.

Premium Summon: Get Characters and rare skills! The Premium rolls are definitely the best value for players aiming to earn characters and high end skills.
To see more detailed rates, select the small Icon on the banner.

Grand Alliance Tip #7 : Optimize Your Hero.

Hero Stats all perform a different role in your hero's combat ability.
Health: Total amount of hit points. If a hero reaches 0, they are disabled for the remainder of a battle.
Damage: Total attack power used for basic attacks and as a modifier for hero skills.
Armor: Increases your hero's resistance to damage.
Evasion: Chance to avoid getting hit by enemy attacks and skills.
Accuracy: Chance of hitting enemies and bonus to critical chance.
Critical Chance: Increases the chance of delivering a critical strike with an attack or skill.
Critical Damage: Bonus damage when inflicting a critical hit with a basic attack or skill.
Elemental Bonus: Against targets whom you have elemental advantage against this stat increases the percent bonus value.
Elemental Resist: Against targets whom you have elemental weakness against, this stat decreases the additional damage you take.

Grand Alliance Tip #9: Inherent and Overdrive Skills.

All heroes possess an Inherent Skill and Overdrive Skill. The Inherent skill behaves like a standard skill, but it cannot be swapped out. The Overdrive Skill is only usable when your hero maxes out their Overdrive bar. You can access the skill tab to view descriptions and current level of your skills.
Skills are upgradeable (inherent skill to Rank 15 and overdrive skill to Rank 5). To upgrade them, you will need Class Emblems and Elemental Capacitors. Emblems are acquired through Class Enhancement battles and Supply Chests. Elemental Capacitors are acquired from Medium and Hard mode battles.
Every skill increases in power differently when you level it up. Most offensive abilities scale up their damage percent, while others (such as buffs or debuffs) may increase in duration.

Grand Alliance Tip #9: Gain Experience From Battle.

Your hero will gain experience from battles and level up. Every time a hero levels up, their scaling stats increase. Stats increase at a linear rate. The scaling stats are: HP, Damage, Armor, Accuracy, and
Eventually, your hero will hit a level cap based on the heroes tier. To break past that level cap, you must
Tier Up the hero.

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