FOG Battle Royale Cheats: 5 Best Tips on How to Win, Android, iOS Strategy Guide and Tricks

FOG – Battle Royale by PLAYNETA LIMITED for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

FOG Battle Royale Tip#1: Choose a Portal that has few possible enemies.
Preferably at the near edge of the zone or circle.
This will make your farming for gears or equipment a lot easier.
You will not face a lot of bots either, since bots will have stronger gears or equipment early of the game.
Thus it will easily defeat you specially if you don't have enough gears.

FOG Battle Royale Tip#2: Once you deploy, go to the nearest houses or buildings that has chests and mob enemies.

Kill mob enemies and obtain gears in chests to make your character stronger in offense & defense. 
This will also make you able to defeat some bots or even players as long as you get enough gears or equipment already.

FOG Battle Royale Tip #3 Use skills to easily defeat mob enemies including tougher enemies. 

Skills in this game will provide more damage output compared to your basic attacks
But be-careful on deploying skills, because if there are nearby players or bots, you should have all the skills available at your disposal.
If you just recently use a skill to defeat mob enemies and there is a nearby enemy, just back out and prepare your adrenaline potion if the enemy rushes on to you.

FOG Battle Royale Tip #4: Once the new circle or zone appears, quickly position your self inside or nead the edge of the zone.

An advantage of this strategy is you have enougb time to farm or collect gears from enemies nearby at the zone before it becomes unavailable due to the zone catching up and occupying it. 
Another advantage would be no enemies will sorround you since you are always at the edge of zone. You only need to worry enemies at the inner cycle.
Inner cycle tends to have a lot of enemies too, so better stay at the edge of the cirlce

FOG Battle Royale Tip #5: Always avoid fights unless if enemy has low health left or other enemies are  too far.

If your character has aoe skills, just use it and run away to a safer area.
If you see two enemies fighting, let them fight and watch the remaining health points of the enemy
if it is worth to fight for otherwise play safely.

Extra Tip For Rogue Class
Your AoE Skill is powerful, use it when the enemy is approaching you, specially melee characters.
If they chase you, they will be poisoned at your aoe skill, and just continue run away from him.
If the enemy decides to stay away from you. wait for your aoe skill to refresh its cooldown, before going for a final attack.

FOG – Battle Royale Download Link