Tap Cats: Epic Card Battle Cheats: 8 Best Tips for Starters , Strategy Guide and Tricks.

Know your Hero! 

You can see your hero cat at the bottom left corner of the screen you will also find their hero health level.
Here as well it's important to know how much health your hero has as if it is reduced to zero during battle it will result in a defeat as you progress through the game.
You will unlock more and more heroes to choose from each hero will have its own reputation with specific teams which will boost your team power in battle

Know your Enemy.

Your enemy's hero will appear at the top left of your screen in order to get a victory you'll need to
reduce their health to zero.
An active cat will always physically attack the opponent opposite them if space is free they will attack the enemy hero

Wait Timers.

This is the wait timer we mentioned in the last tip this will appear on a card and shows how many turns you will have to wait until it can attack a higher timer usually means you are dealing with a more powerful cat

Tap cats are available in nine different languages for you to choose from just tap on the Settings menu and then choose languages to select the one you need and the change is automatically applied it's like magic

Editing your Build Deck.
Have you earned a brand-new cat and want to add them to your deck start by tapping on edit deck in the deck menu.
Editing your deck is as easy as dragging and dropping the cats you want to be sure to edit your deck regularly as you get new cards from winning battles completing quests or opening packs

Energy Boost.
So you've been battling up a storm and you have found yourself out of batteries or vs. tickets have no fear.
There are a few different ways for you to get back into the action you will find the following
methods to charge up.
You can watch an ad each ad gives you five energy and you can watch up to three ads a day it's
important to note the Steam version does not contain ads.
Spend ten diamonds this will completely fill your energy bar lastly, you can use the battery packs from your inventory

Daily Bonuses.
Returned every day to get the best rewards here are the rewards they currently offer a 30 day login bonus login each day to get a new item 7 day video bonus simply watch an ad a day to receive these exclusive items welcome bonus
These are only available for you during your first week of playing tap cat's epic card battle so be sure to get them while you can.

Cloud Saving.
A lot of hard work goes into building your perfect decks and working through all of those
missions make sure you visit the settings menu and activate cloud save to backup your progress this becomes especially important when you need to move your game to a new device know if
you want to use the cross-platform feature you'll need to use a Facebook account or a Google account

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