Dark Havoc Cheats: Best Tips for Obtaining S Mercenary , Strategy Guide and Tricks.

Players will own an auto-fight partner, the mercenary, to assist you on the battlefield.
You will need to know how to put them to good use.
Here’s some basic information about the mercenary system. 

Class of mercenary

There’re 24 types of mercenaries which are classified into D, C, B A, and A-class.
Six of them are S-class, 7 are A-class, 6 are B-class, 3 are C-class and 2 are D-class.
Mercenaries of different classes own very different basic stats.
For example, CP of an Lv.1 D-class mercenary is around 10000, a C-class is 14000 while a B-class is almost 24000.
The number of skills will vary depending on the class too.

Source of mercenary

You can obtain mercenaries from Merc Altar. There’re 3 types of chests on Merc Altar, which are Gold, Diamond, and VIP Chests.

You have 5 free chances to open the Gold Chest every 5 minutes. You have to spend 10 gold to purchase one and enjoy 10% off 10 purchases. The Gold Chest will produce mercenary and its shards ranging from D-class to B-class. It will produce Merc EXP Gem, Resogem, Star-up Gem and Halo shards of the corresponding level too.

Diamond Chest can be opened once for free every 48 hours. You have to spend 280 diamonds to purchase one and enjoy 10% off 10 purchases. The Diamond Chest will produce mercenary and its shards ranging from B-class to S-class. It will produce Merc EXP Gem, Resogem, Star-up Gem and Halo shards of the corresponding level too. Every 10 purchases of Diamond Chest will guarantee one mercenary of A-class and above. 

Only VIP of Lv. 8 and above can open VIP Limited Chest by consuming 400 diamonds. This chest produces S-class mercenary and shards of Gale Knight, Wolf Hunter, and Saint Oracle. It will produce Merc EXP Gem, Resogem, Star-up Gem and Halo shards of the corresponding level too.

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