Auto Defense Gameloft Cheats: 9 Best Tips for Turrets, SS Tier Venom Cannon, Android, iOS Strategy Guide and Tricks

Venom Cannon is a SS Tier Turret and here's Why
1. It has Poison Ability:
Poisoned enemies will receive Damage Per Second for 6 Seconds.
2. Poison Stacks:
An enemy can be re-poisoned and will receive exponential damage overtime since it will lasts for 6 seconds.
3. AoE:
It has an Attack of Area of Effect.
Any Enemies that touches the Poison Circle will receive Poison Damage over Time.
Also the Poison Circle lasts around 2s.

It can kill mobs easily because of its Large AoE Circle.
This is why Poison Cannon is the best turret in the game. 
It can kill mobs and bosses easily. The only weakness of this turret is Poison Resistance (chapter 5 & above)

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #1: Toxic Gun.
Toxic Gun is an Alternative turret for Poison Cannon. 
The difference between Toxic Gun & Poison Cannon is AoE Ability.
It can only hit one enemy at a time. 
Thus it is weak against mob enemies, but very strong against Boss.
Tip #2: Use other Turrets Synergy to improve Toxic Gun
List of Synergy Abilities that
helps Toxic Gun
- Multi Shot
- Rapid Fire
- Range
- Bullet Speed
- High Damage

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #3: Multi Shot Synergy.
Multi Shot helps your Toxic Gun hit multiple enemies at the same time.
Since Toxic Gun is a Single Target Turret, having Multi Shot is a must for a wave that has a lot of mob enemies.

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #4: Dealing with Mobs.
If Toxic Gun plus Multishot isnt enough, you can use Bomb or Electric Type to deal enemy mobs

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #5: Rapid Fire Synergy.
Rapid fire increases your Attack Rate.
So if you have Multi Shot for your  Toxic Gun, Adding Rapid fire will make your Toxic Gun Performs like Poison Cannon,except for Poison Circle Effect.

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #6: Long Range Synergy.
Long Range increases your Toxic Gun Range specially if the chapter has poor turret placement.
However, some chapters do have better turrent placement, therefore plan ahead if you really need long range synergy 

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #7: Bullet Speed Synergy.
Bullet Speed acts like Rapid Fire.
However Bullet Speed Turrets are rare, so you can't improve their star quickly.

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #8: High Damage Synergy.
High Damage will increase your Damage output to your Target, Specially Toxic Gun.

Auto Defense Gameloft Tip #9: Pickpocket Synergy.
It doesnt make your target turret more powerful. 
But you will get extra money
IF your target turret kill an enemy.
It is perfect for Toxic Gun or
Poison Cannon. Those turrets has higher chance of last hitting mob enemies and boss.
You will get extra money per enemy killed