KOF Final Battle - Allstar Cheats: Gift Code & 2 Best Tips on Combat Medal, Artifacts, Android, iOS, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

KOF Allstar – Final Battle by VNG Game Publishing for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

The King of Fighters Final Battle - Allstar Tip #1: Combat Medal.
Combat Medal is available for a limited amount of time, complete ques t to upgrade the medal to gain ample rewards!
1. Complete Challenge Quests to increase Medal level, to gain ample Medal Rewards
2. Unlock Apprentice Medal for free, activate Guru Medals to gain Excelusive Rewards and all Guru Medal Rewards related to the current medal level. Activate Collection Guru Medal, Medal Level will increase by 60 levels, and there are also Limited Avatar Frame and valuable rewards Second purchase won't grant you the same avatar frame)
3. Purchase Level to increase the level of the medal directly. There is a Limit to purchase daily, and you cannot exceed the max level of the medal
4. Daily Challenge refreshes at 5:00 every morning, weekly challenge refreshes at 5:00 every Monday Morning
5. Purchasing Combat Medal will grant you premium Exp, which will not be calculated in Purchase Events

The King of Fighters Final Battle - Allstar Tip #2: Artifacts.

Artifacts are more than just weapon. The artifact is the destiny of the family, a partner to fight together, and an idol aura that encourages progress
1. Spend Artifact Source to develop your artifacts, which will provide stats bonus for every fighter
2. Each artifact can be developed to a certain stage to evolve. After evolving, it can provide better team stats bonus
3. Evolving the Artifact 1 time allows you to ignite 1 Item Spirit. Item Spirit can greatly increase the stats of the whole team
4. After an Artifact is developed to a stage for evolution, it cannot be reset anymore reset anymore
5. In the first unlock condition of several artifacts, as long as you have met any of the previous or later condition at the row of "/", you will meet the unlock requirement

KOF Final Battle - Allstar Redeem Gift Code
Only 1 code will work for each account.

Login your Account in which account you've used to log in the game. (Important!!!)

THÔNG TIN CODE = Input Gift Code
THÔNG TIN GAME = Server's Name (If you don't know what is your server name, just login/relogin and look for your server's name in login menu of the game)
Chon nhan vat = Select Account Name (Automatically added because you link/login the account in the website)
Input the captcha correctly.
Nhan Thuong = Claim Button.
If the font color of the message after you press the Claim Button is green, you successfully input the correct code and captcha code, otherwise if it is red, either the gift code is wrong or you mistype the captcha word.
Don't forget to claim the gift code rewards in the mailbox.