Idle Robbery Cheats: 4 Best Tips for an Idle Game, Strategy Guide and Tricks

There are no tips or tutorial in this game, the game randomly let's you force to watch an ADS after you reach certain upgrades.

You can't even purchase diamonds with in app purchases, you need diamonds to hire Specialist.

It seems the developer takes profit only from Video Ads rather than implementing an in app purchase.

A No Ads In app Purchase would be great for players who are willing to spend in this game.
Video Ads are great source of income but this will become a reason for us to stop playing this game, especially those random ads that will appear out of nowhere.

Nonetheless the game has still a potential to be a great game for an Idle Game & That won't stop me giving a guide this game "IDLE ROBBERY".

Idle Robbery | Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game Tip #1: Prioritize Crew Upgrades.

Crew Upgrades greatly increases your idle or passive income (robbery) compared to other upgrades.
If you upgrade Crew (Quantity or Number of Robbers), It has the same indirect benefits with strength (strength in numbers) and speed (more robbers more stolen items) upgrades.
Of the key difference between upgrading Crew Upgrades & the other two upgrades (strength & speed) is if you upgrade Crew, you'll get the two benefits at one upgrade only.

Idle Robbery | Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game Tip #2: Active Taps.

If you actively tap the screen, the robbers will move fast. They will stop if you stop tapping also.
However it is too tiring to always tap in the screen.
Do active taps when you need to quickly upgrade certain upgrades.
You can also earn bonus rewards in the achievements when you reach certain number of taps.
However there is a trick for Actively Tapping. If you play with an Android Emulator for PC, you can  use the MACRO feature to let you record the taps on the screen and play the recorded taps as much as you want.
The only disadvantage is you can't transfer your progress to other devices if you play from an Android Emulator since the game doesn't have Account Bind Feature.

Idle Robbery | Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game Tip #3: Idle Income.

When you leave the game and you go back for a certain time, you'll still get that income.
The Crews won't stop stealing if you leave the game. After going back to the game for certain amount of time, the game will give you an option to triple your IDLE income by watching an ADS.

Idle Robbery | Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game Tip #4: Hire Specialist Wisely.

Specialist will help you temporarily for ONE (1) Location only.
So it is recommended hire specialist immediately after transferring to a new location.
Avoid hiring specialist at early stage (locations) or when you are nearing transfer to a new location.

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