Lumia Saga: (Mage Alt) Warlock Talent Full Support Build Guide & Skill Slot

Lumia Saga | Warlock Talent: Tier Level 30.

Crit vs Gluttony vs Despair.
I recommend Gluttony since those other 2 talents are offensive type based.
Gluttony is also your main source to restore Energy, since Gluttony relies on Sickle Strike.
Take note the Sickle Strike is your basic attack, so every basic attacks you land, you'll get 10 energy at level 5 Gluttony.

Lumia Saga | Warlock Talent: Tier Level 35.

Dread vs Quick Chant vs Soul Reaper.

I recommend Soul Reaper because it lowers the target's DEF and Increases your DEF at the same time, if your basic attack/sickle strike goes CRIT.
It will stack up to 10 times, and when you reach that maximum stacks, the healing effect of the next Vitality Excitation is increase by 100%.
Dread Talent will provide Bonus Crit Healing + 50%, however Soul Reaper benefits the whole team and when you reach the max stacks, Vitality's healing will be doubled.
Quick Chant has 25% chance of refreshing Life Siphon, this is a great talent combine with other talents for silencing enemies and almost unlimited energy.
However the Self Buff from Soul Reaper will make you a semi tank and withstand more damage and you can also weaken the enemy at the same time.

Lumia Saga | Warlock Talent: Tier Level 40.

Wail vs Arrogance vs Haste
I recommend Wail because it provide an extra healing effect of 20% to your Life Conversion.
Life Conversion is the AoE Healing Skill of Warlock which is a great healing skill for the whole team.
Arrogance will provide extra energy recovered by Life Siphon by 100, but as I said before, You can manage your energy pool by attacking the enemy with basic attacks from Gluttony Talent and to not overly use Vitality and Other Skills that are not really needed.
Haste Talent will give you bonus Haste of 5% at level 5 which is very minimal.

Lumia Saga | Warlock Talent: Tier Level 45.

I recommend Pure Evil because it restores 30% more HP when damage is dealt to tormented enemies.
You should have a Torture Skill in the Active Skill slot for this talent to work.
Torture can heal nearby allies to restore 60% (Warlock ATK) of HP every 0.5 seconds when they deal damage.
It lasts for 10 seconds while the cooldown of Torture is at 15 Seconds. This skill requires energy, so better use this when it is really needed.
Reduction is your energy reduction cost up 10%. We don't really need another talent that can sustain your energy. Gluttony is already good enough for Energy problems.
Hostility is another talent that relies on Torture Skill, same as Pure Evil but this is an offensive based talent.
It will make the target enemy receives for damage up to 15% for 5 seconds only. You'll gonna wait for another 10 seconds for you to be able to cast torture and enjoy the 15% damage increase for the target.
This is a good offensive talent but we need more support talents first since we are warlock and we are supposed to be effective on healing teammates.

Lumia Saga | Warlock Talent: Tier Level 50.

I recommend Apathy, since the other 2 talents in the same tier relies on warlock skills that are built for specific events, specially on PvP Arena.

This Talent Tree that I recommend is effective in Team Events, such as Epic Instance, Dark Ininvasion, and other team battle related events.
If you really want an offensive class with mage/warlock, I suggest to go Mage instead, since I think Mage has the high damage output compared to other classes.
If you want to boost your warlock as an offensive warlock that can heal, there's other jobs that can do it effectively, not similar with the healing skills but they can provide damage higher than the warlock while making the team survives longer during team battles.
TLDR The warlock should be a full support to the whole team for it to be very effective in team battle events.

Talent Tree = Gluttony - Soul Reaper - Wail - Pure Evil - Apathy.

Skill Slot = Life Siphon, Life Conversion, Vitality Excitation and Torture.

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