Coffee Craze Cheats: Redeem Codes & 5 Best Tips for Beginners, Strategy Guide and Tricks.

Coffee Craze Android/iOS (iPhone,iPad) Tip #1: Profitable Drink.

Your Most Profitable Drink will greatly multiply your Profit/Earnings per Coffee at your chosen Counter

So you should put the most profitable coffee. at the bottom counter or your newest unlocked counter.

Because it has x1000 value of your previous unlocked counter.
Note: If they have the same Served Coffee.

However, the cost of the newest counter is multiplied higher than the previous counter.
But it will still give you a much higher Cost Upgrade versus Profit from your previous counter.
This is an example of a counter  that has no coffee.

Notice the value as I'm gonna put a lower value/rarity coffee and when I changed it to a higher value or rarity.

The profit per coffee has multiplied greatly when you changed it into a high value or rarity coffee

Coffee Craze Android/iOS (iPhone,iPad)  Tip #2: Real Bottleneck.

The game has a neat feature that will give you a clue in  what you should upgrade.

If it is Baristas (Counter), Transport (Conveyor Belt), or Cashier (Coffee Server), to avoid Bottleneck.

Bottleneck is a term, in which there is a flow or part of the process that slows your overall performance.

It is the Hour Glass Icon located at the top left of the screen.
However, that is not the real indication of the bottleneck in the game.

The true bottleneck is when your last counter profit per serve slows down. 

Here's why!!!
We all know that the last counter has much higher value compared to the previous counters.
You can still upgrade your previous counters if they have the same coffee served in the last counter.

Other counter that has a lower coffee value, will have a little to none impact to your overall profit.
So why upgrade them?

The key is, you need to have a smooth flow of your last counter,  by upgrading your transport and followed it by upgrading the cashier.

OVER-Upgrading other counters will actually slows the transport flow because they takes time to put them in the conveyors belt.
You can upgrade them but not at the point where they slow down the  last counter transportation.

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