Pixel Legends Cheats: 7 Best Tips for Hero Upgrades, Android, iOS, Strategy Guide, Tips and Tricks

Pixel Legends: Retro Survival Game by Lukas Schneider Apps for Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile Game

Pixel Legends Tip #1 Health Hero Upgrade.
Don't over upgrade Health too much since you can easily replenish lost health, whenever you clear a level and get hearts in chests. Upgrading Health increases Lives (Heart Pool) but it is much better to upgrade Strength, Attack Speed and Recoil because in this game, The best Offense is the best Defense.

Pixel Legends Tip #2 Strength Hero Upgrade.

The best upgrade in the game. Each Upgrade of strength has greater impact than other upgrades. High Damage reduces the amount of number of attacks, thus you don't need to avoid enemies when they are very close to your character. Eliminate them as quickly as possible because when enemies cornered you, you will be killed eventually.

Pixel Legends Tip #3 Attack Speed Hero Upgrade.

Upgrade this at moderate level, because upgrading attack speed does increases a little bit of speed only.
But still good upgrade specially if you have a great upgrade amount on your strength upgrades.

Pixel Legends Tip #4 Recoil Hero Upgrade.

Recoil makes your attacks knockback enemies, However even at lower levels, it is still effective specially if you have strength upgrade. Don't Rely too much in this upgrade since the enemies at other direction can still go near and attack you.

Pixel Legends Tip #5 Attack Diagonally.

You can freely hit enemies without getting attacked by them. As long as you don't face them horizontal or vertical. You need to practice this strategy if you want to quickly eliminate enemies.

Pixel Legends Tip #6 Use Items on difficult waves.

Save your items obtained at earlier waves and use them in difficult waves when badly needed. You can plant items before the next wave starts. To save time and to be effective at clearing mobs of enemies at early phase of the wave.

Pixel Legends Tip #7 Avoid getting cornered by enemies.

When the Wave starts, choose 1 spawn location (north,east,west,south) and quickly eliminate them so that you cannot be cornered. When you do this, you can focus on other open areas and you can safely attack them with Diagonal Attack.